Alex Arshavski – Advanced Technology Consulting Services, Personal Support and Project Development.

The next big idea you have is only the beginning – now it’s time to make it happen. To do this, you need a lot more than vision, you need a profound technological understanding of its feasibility and development meanings in terms of resources and desired outcome. I’m entering the critical stitch line between need and exercise, understanding the big picture to go down to resolutions that will make it a success in the shortest time.

As a technology advisory consultant, I provide you with a range of advanced consulting and development services.

Almasadvanced technology consulting services
meteor logo
Flask Logo


Postgres, MySQL, Mongo, Elastic, DynamoDB, Redis, SQLite


Docker, Kubernetes, Teamcity, Jenkins, Vault, Terraform, Vagrant


AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, Digital Ocean


React, Vuejs, Angular, Storybook, Jest


Flask, Django, Nodejs, Express, Meteor, Twisted, Tornado

Professional knowledge

My speciality


Postgres, MySQL, Mongo, Elastic, DynamoDB, Redis, SQLite


Docker, Kubernetes, Teamcity, Jenkins, Vault, Terraform, Vagrant


AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, Digital Ocean


React, Vuejs, Angular, Storybook, Jest


Flask, Django, Nodejs, Express, Meteor, Twisted, Tornado

Professional knowledge

My speciality

My Journey

Welcome to my corner of the web, where advanced technology consulting services meet business development consulting expertise.
As a seasoned technology advisory consultant, I’m dedicated to offering you cutting-edge business technology solutions that drive results.
Whether you’re seeking professional consulting services or web development consulting, you’ve come to the right place.

Explore the vast possibilities of business technology consulting with me as your guide.
My goal is to elevate your online presence and provide business technology consulting services that truly make a difference.
Let’s embark on a journey together to optimize your web presence and unlock success.

My speciality

The Services I Provide

Providing professional consulting services regarding the architecture of the future product, where to find suitable developers, development of POCs for investors, optimal platforms to use, recommendations on cloud services, cost-saving methods, and analysis of all parameters that will make the project a success in terms of development.


Business technology consulting services for companies that need to reduce knowledge gaps among development teams and reduce development timelines for new and urgent projects. Develop products, quickly repair existing products and train developers in the architecture you want for the product. My challenge is to meet your needs.


business technology solutions

Professional Work

Selected projects

GE Healthcare

We worked on the CT project. The idea was to decrease QA lifecycle for every released version. The project included developing multiple tools for automating QA procedures and work in parallel which eventually decreased the lifecycle from 2 weeks into 2 hours.


We built a collaboration tool for decision making. The idea was to listen to every single person in a discussion even if it’s involve a lot of people. 1 picture worth a thousand words, so we developed multiple visualizations for every type of discussion.

Accept Software

The main product of the company was a framework for tracking production lifecycle. The task was to develop a web tool for QA department which could be used for testing APIs written in different languages using different databases.


PeerTV developed set-top boxes for home internet TV. We developed a backend from scratch for managing the set-top boxes content, including theming and customizations for every content provider. It also included a panel for managing service status of the boxes.


It was needed to develop a framework which connected between a company, its employees and physicians. The purpose was to improve employees health by creating personal goals and plans. The product was divided into 3 main pieces for every target audience.


The task was to develop a framework where the customer can configure his own algorithms for the incoming video calls. It included providing SDK for non-technical users, sandbox for apps testing and a backend for management


The project was about building a collaboration tool for a teacher and the students in class. It included live tracking of each of the students in the class, so the assistance can be proposed on the relevant time.


Cyren is a web security company developing different solutions. We rewrote existing product of the company using different frameworks while keeping the production environment up and running.


The company developed a system for creating networking map and possible cyber attack flows. The project was about monitoring and scaling the existing solution to fit a wider range of customers.


The project was about consulting a BE team and a development of Hotel Business Intelligence data management. It was about giving company’s customers a visibility of the finance aspects of their business.


Ground up web development of the tablet FE user interface for paying in-store. The app allowed company’s partners to give their customers an option to split the purchase to monthly payments.


The company builds math teaching games for kids. The project was about building company website from scratch including right to left mirroring


The work included backend web development on the flagship product of the company – BIM360. It was mainly about the product part responsible for the submittals management.


The company develops radar based sensor for in-cabin monitoring of passenger’s vital signs. The project was about building the company’s website with a cloud datacenter for data collection and representation. In addition, baby monitoring mobile application was developed.


Cyber security project. It included fullstack web development on the next version of company’s product. It was about an interface for configuring a dedicated reverse proxy for the private cloud network.


Since 2005

Professional Training

QA engineer

QA engineer at General Electric healthcare, Haifa.


Web developer

Web developer at Accept software

2007– 2008

Senior web developer

Senior web developer at PeerTv

2008– 2011

Python Team Leader

Python Team Leader at Tikal
Open source solutions

2011 – 2014

Web Team Leader

Web Team Leader at Cyren

2014 – 2017

RnD Director

RnD Director at Cronus

2017 – 2018


Freelancer Web Fullstack

2018 – today

Start And Finish With Someone You Can Trust

A technological project is a complex business that needs deep technological knowledge to make it real, from the point of initial design to the exciting phase of production. Here are some reasons why I am the right guy for the job:

Twenty years
of experience

Twenty years of experience in diverse industries, companies, and technologies



saving time and money and getting down to the smallest detail that makes up the big picture



business technology solutions as a fullstack on all levels – Backend, Frontend, Devops



in fields such as Machine Learning, other development languages besides Python and JS, complex algorithms, etc.

professional consulting services


 coding is just the first step but It’s all about creating the right architecture

Companies I Worked With

I believe that every successful project starts with the human aspect, not the technology. I know that every customer wants someone he can trust, someone he knows will be an expert in his field, a professional who will be available throughout the entire project, both success and challenges. Here are customers I’ve already worked with over the years.

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advance technology consulting services
technology consulting services
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